Categories: Snacks

Chilli Kale Chips

Chilli Kale Chips

This recipe will make you forget your favorite chips and salsa. It’s perfect for a fiesta or an evening snack with your cup of coffee. And you can swear by the nutritious content of these chips which is a much better option than your bag of potato chips. This is a very simple recipe to make and can be made in huge batches so that you can store these in a food container or insulated storage containers and have them at your convenience and need. Known for its extremely high nutritional property, kale is great for your health. Not to forget, kids will love these yummy chips.

Health benefits

Kale contains very little fat and whatever fat it contains has omega-3 fatty acid which is extremely healthy for the brain and skin. With its really low-calorie content, kale is known to be amongst the most nutrient-dense foods in the world. Kale is full of antioxidants which prevent cancer and signs of aging.

Kale is an excellent source of Vitamin c which fights at least 80% of the diseases in existence. Kale lowers your cholesterol which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease. Not only Vitamin C but Kale is also known to be one among the world’s best sources of vitamin K! Vitamin K is excellent for blood clotting. Kale also has cancer-fighting agents in it.

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1 bunch - kale with ribs removed and torn in pieces

2 tbsp - olive oil

2 tsp - chili powder

salt to taste

How To Make Chilli Kale Chips

  • Preheat your oven to at least 350 degrees F
  • In a bowl, add kale and olive oil. With your fingers mix the kale and oil. Add oil if it seems dry.
  • Season it with chilli powder and salt and toss it.
  • Spread the kale mixture onto baking sheets. Bake until you can see the chips turning crispy. Keep rotating the baking sheets.
  • Make a right amount of these chips and store them in an airtight storage jar.
  • Have a fun snack!


  • A single serving of kale has actually more calcium than a carton of milk! Kale comes in a lot of varieties, and some are – True Siberian, lacinato, gulag stars, redbor, white Russian, red Russian, dwarf blue vates, Chinese kale, sea kale, red Nagoya, etc!
  • Kale comes from the family of cabbage and probably might be the ancestor to all your modern cabbages and their varieties.
Kuan Yin Chin :