Categories: Salads

Chickpea Salad with Red Onion and Tomato

Chickpea Salad with Red Onion and Tomato

Want something that is low in fat and high in protein? The chickpea salad with red onion and tomato is just the right dish. The ingredients are easy to find and can be assembled even in a makeshift kitchen environment, it’s so easy you could assemble this in an office break room if you are motivated enough.
The good thing about this dish is the incredibly versatility when it comes to taste, you can adjust all the flavors, add a few of your favorite vegetables and it would still hold up.

Health benefits

There are several health benefits associated with chickpeas, which is part of the reason why they are so popular in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures.

  • Bone structure: The presence of iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc in chickpeas combine perfectly to build and sustain bone structure.
  • Blood pressure: Chickpeas are very low in sodium but high in potassium. Adding them into your diet is definitely beneficial because of the low quantity of salt.
  • Cardiovascular health: There is plenty of potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 in chickpeas. This helps to regulate and lower cholesterol levels in the blood and directly decrease heart disease.
  • Constipation: Millions of adults report having improper bowel movements, but it can be cured by having a more fiber intensive diet. Eating chickpeas is commonly known to prevent constipation and regulate a healthy digestive tract.
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¼ pounds of garbanzo beans

2 tbsp red onions chopped up

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tomato, chopped

1/3 cup of chopped parsley

4 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp lemon juice

salt to taste

1 tbsp pepper or to taste

How To Make Chickpea Salad with Red Onion and Tomato

  • In a large bowl, toss the chickpeas, red onion, garlic oil, and set them aside.
  • Toss in olive oil, lemon juice and your selection of salt and pepper for extra flavor.
  • Mix well and then set them aside for 2 hours in a refrigerated environment.
  • At this point you can check the taste and adjust the seasoning if required.


  • The popular name for Chickpeas is “Garbanzo beans”. Their unique shape that resembles the beak of a baby chick is why they are called chickpeas.
  • The color of chickpeas is bright green right before they are harvested.
Akshara Patel :