Categories: Side dish

Cauliflower Pickle

Cauliflower Pickle

Cauliflower pickle is a fantastic condiment to serve with food or as a side dish. It is an excellent snack food and pairs really well with a cold beer. What differentiates cauliflower pickle from other recipes is the method of preparation.

Health Benefits

Cauliflower is the primary ingredient of this dish. It can be used to reduce your chances of contracting cancer, and it is a potent anti-inflammatory. Not surprisingly, cauliflower is also great for treating digestive and constipation problems.

It houses several vitamins, especially Vitamin C and K, which can strengthen the body’s immune system. Other nutrients in cauliflower include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

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head of cauliflower: 1

salt to taste

distilled vinegar: 500 ml

granulated sugar: 200 g

Mustard seeds: 1 tsp

Coriander seeds: 1 tsp

cumin seeds: ½ tsp

turmeric: 1 tsp

chilli flakes: ½ tsp

How To Make Cauliflower Pickle

  1. Break the cauliflower into florets, blanch, and leave to dry for about 30 minutes.
  2. Combine blanched florets with salt and let sit overnight.  
  1. Cover the bowl and leave it till the next day. 
  1. In as saucepan, saute the spices, 
  1. Add sugar and vinegar to it. Continue stirring until the sugar completely dissolves. 
  1. Transfer marinated cauliflower florets into a jar and pour warm vinegar into it till the cauliflower is covered completely.
  2. Seal the jar for about one week.
  • Serve when ready.



    Vanathy Shekhar :