Cake a La Vergeoise

Cake a La Vergeoise

Cake a La Vergeoise is a simple, fragrant cake that initially originated in France. It is considered to be one of the classic French cakes.

Those who do not know what vergeoise is, it is a brown sugar that comes from the beet syrup after it’s ripened. Once the syrup is cooled down, it produces brown colored vergeoise which has a distinct but a pleasant aroma.

Cake a La Vergeoise is the kind of cake that can easily be eaten for breakfast, as it hardly takes 10 to 15 minutes to prepare it. The cake tastes absolutely heavenly with a cup of tea or coffee.

Here’s its easy-to-follow recipe that you wouldn’t want to miss out on. Have a look!

Health Benefits

The primary ingredient of cake la vergeoise is obviously vergeoise which has several healthy benefits. Vergeoise contains more minerals as compared to refined white sugar and is definitely a healthier alternative to white sugar too.

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Melted butter: 200 g

Eggs: 4

blond vergeoise: 125 g

cane sugar: 125 g

flour: 250 g

almond puree: 100 g

milk: 100 ml

baking powder: 1/2 package

natural flavor vanilla: 1 tsp

cinnamon: 1 tbsp

nutmeg seeds: 1 tbsp

green anise: 1 tbsp

Star Anise: 1 tbsp

quatre epices (four spices powder): 1 tbsp

How To Make Cake a La Vergeoise

  1. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees C.
  2. Mix the melted butter along with the cane sugar, brown vergeoise in a medium sized bowl until the mixture is smooth and frothy.
  3. Now stir in the egg yolks, milk, flour, yeast, cinnamon, nutmeg seeds, green anise, star anise, the four spices powder, baking powder, and the almond puree.
  4. Beat in the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Mix until well combined.
  5. Now gently add the mixture in the dough with the help of a spatula.
  6. Pour the dough into a cake mold or any other shape of your choice.
  7. Bake the dough in the preheated oven for about 50 to an hour, until the cake expands, and turns golden brown.
  8. To test if the cake is properly baked, insert a toothpick in the center of the cake if it comes out clean then it means that the cake is fully baked.
  9. Once the cake is baked, take it out of the oven. Transfer the cake to a cooling rack. Let it cool for 10 minutes.
  10. Serve the cake by slicing into equal pieces and enjoy!


  • Cake a La Vergoise is one of the classic French cakes.
  • Vergeoise is  the name given to brown sugar in Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec.
Sage Leon :