Buffalo Wing

Buffalo Wing

Did you know that the average American consumes 90 buffalo wings per year!

This makes one wonder – why are buffalo wings happily consumed so much? Well, it is because of the crispy, crunchy and flavorful taste of wings that makes it everyone’s favorite dish. Also, it is super easy and quick to make.

Health benefits

Buffalo wings is the best source of lean and low fat protein which promotes muscles and bone health. Buffalo wings are also an instant mood booster, as their consumption increases the serotonin levels in your brain.

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chicken wings: 2 kg

baking powder: 2 tbsp

salt: 3/4 tsp

Brown sugar: 4 tbsp

olive oil: 1 tbsp

Melted butter: 4 tbsp

hot sauce: 1/2 cup

Brown sugar: 1 tbsp

teaspoon of salt: 1/4

crumbled parmesan cheese: 1/2 cup

sour cream: 1/2 cup

mayonnaise: 1/2 cup

minced garlic clove: 1

milk: 3 tbsp

lemon Juice: 2 tbsp

salt to taste

Black pepper to taste

celery sticks

How To Make Buffalo Wing

For Buffalo Wings

  1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F or 120 degrees C.
  2. Place the chicken wings in a large Ziplock bag. Add the baking powder and salt inside. Shake the bag to coat the wings evenly.
  3. Take a baking tray and line it with a foil. Spray the rack on the baking tray with olive oil. Place the Buffalo wings on the rack.
  4. Let them bake in the oven until they turn dark golden brown. This will take about 40 to 50 minutes.
  5. Take them out of the oven, and transfer them onto a serving plate.
  6. Serve them with the sauce and cheese dip.

For Hot Sauce

  1. Whisk together melted butter, hot sauce, brown sugar and salt.
  2. Serve this delicious hot sauce with Buffalo wings.

For Cheese Dip

  1. Properly mix the Parmesan cheese with sour cream until smooth.
  2. Add in the mayonnaise, garlic clove, milk, lemon juice, salt, black pepper, and celery stick. Mix until well combined.
  3. Cool it in the refrigerator. Take it out from the fridge 10 minutes before serving.


  • Buffalo wings were invented by Teressa Bellissmo in 1964.
  • In 1977 the mayor of Buffalo claimed that July 29th will be celebrated as National Chicken Wing Day.

In 2015 Wing Bowl contest, Patrick Bertoletti made the world record for eating 444 wings in 26 minutes.

William Rogers :