Apple Banana Smoothie

Apple Banana Smoothie

It’s time to recall an oldest English saying – An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It’s quite strange that no one has anything nice to say about Bananas. Banana is quoted when someone has to keep timing – ‘Time flies like an arrow – but fruit flies like a banana’. These two fruits can be counted as the healthiest of all fruits.

Apples and bananas are often brought as presents and replacement for sweets and junk food when you fall sick. For most people who don’t have the appetite to eat fruits choose milkshakes or juice. Milkshakes are overloaded with sugar, so that’s a bad option and juice doesn’t really fill your stomach. So, you can always opt for smoothies.

Health Benefits

Apple is known as a storehouse of fiber and helps in the decreasing the absorption of bad cholesterol and increase in absorption of good cholesterol. Apple boosts the immunity system and also prevents cataracts. It also detoxifies our liver. The fiber in the fruit fills the stomach with fewer calories. Hence reducing the calorie intake with killing the hunger pangs. A procyanidin, labeled B-2 from apples promotes hair growth. Drinking apple juice could keep away Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain.

Banana is loaded with potassium and fiber. It has powerful antioxidants, which reduces the risk of heart diseases and degenerative illness. They may help relieve muscle cramps caused by exercise.

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cup – chopped bananas: 1

cup – chopped apples: 1

cup – milk: 1

cup – yoghurt (optional): 1/2

few ice cubes (as required)

tbsp – sugar (add as required): 2 1/2

How To Make Apple Banana Smoothie

  • Add bananas, apples, milk & yogurt (optional) to a
  • Add ice cubes and sugar (as required).
  • Blend it until it is smooth.
  • Garnish with chopped bananas and apples if desired.
  • Serve it immediately.


In ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage. If the girl caught the apple, it was her acceptance. Apples are a member of the rose family. (Source: gardners net)

If you rub the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito or other bug bites or touch poison ivy, it will stop the itching and inflammation.

India grows more bananas than any other country on the planet - about 28% of the worldwide crop. (Source: the banana police)

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