Treat Your Pigmented Lips with Natural Ingredients

Almond Oil

Supple, soft, pink lips are what every woman strives for. Beautiful lips are the gateway to a beautiful mouth and a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, we have more and more elements that tend to pigment our lips and make them darker. Everything from pollution to coffee can alter the quality of your smile. Now you don’t have to use expensive lip scrubs to reduce the pigmentation; you can make lip packs to help remove dirt and dark pigmentation.

Coconut Oil for Dark Lips


Virgin coconut oil


  1. Utilize coconut oil as a lip balm throughout the day.
  2. Apply a tiny amount to your fingertip then spread it over your lips similar to Chapstick.
  3. Apply a layer of coconut oil before going to sleep.


Apply frequently through the day is needed – especially if your lips are dry.

Why This Works

Coconut oil contains some very essential fatty acids that can keep your lips hydrated.

When your lips are replenished, they stay soft and pink.

Almond Oil


Almond oil


  1. Massage 1-2 drops of almond oil into your lips using a finger.
  2. Let the almond oil sit overnight.


Apply almond oil nightly before going to bed.

Why This Works

Almond oil has many properties to help transform your lips. It has emollient properties that will soothe and rejuvenate the skin. And it has sclerosant properties that lighten the lips and reduce discoloration.

Lemon Honey Lip Serum


1 part lemon juice

1 part honey

1 Soft cloth



  1. Create a serum by mixing the lemon juice and honey together.
  2. Coat your lips with this serum and let it sit for 1 hr.
  3. Wipe the serum off with a soft, wet cloth.


Repeat this process a few times daily.

Why This Works

This is one of the best treatments for dark lips. The citrus from the lemon removes the tan lines and the honey nourishes and moisturizes your lips. It also tastes great.

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Anandhi Raguram :