Top Foods That Improve Sperm Count

Sperm count is a vital factor in male fertility. A low sperm count can severely affect your likelihood of conceiving a child. There are many factors in your life that can actually lower your sperm count, so it is important that you take precautions to keep your count high when attempting to conceive. Below are some foods that you can add to your diet to help.

  1. Eggs
    Eggs are high in protein and vitamin E which makes them the perfect food to increase your sperm count – they can even increase the sperm’s motility. The protein is necessary to actually produce the sperm. The vitamin E helps to protect your sperm against free radicals which can decrease the count.
  2. Spinach
    Spinach and other types of dark green leafy vegetables like kale and Swiss chard are filled with folic acid. Folic acid is of extreme importance in the development of healthy sperm. Low folate levels can lead to the production of malformed sperm and sperm with low motility. Sperm that are low in motility will have a hard time reaching and penetrating the egg’s protective membrane. Folate levels can also affect the sperms’ rate of producing birth defects.
  3. Bananas
    Just about everything bananas have to offer works to increase not only your sperm count, but their effectiveness. The vitamin B1, vitamin A, and vitamin C will improve the health of your sperm and increase the rate of productivity. Banana also has a rather rare enzyme, Bromelain. It is a natural anti-inflammatory which plays a role in boosting sperm motility and count.
  4. Dark Chocolate
    Dark chocolate is often considered to be a romantic treat that will incite your passions. But it is also a great substance for increasing your sperm count. Dark chocolate contains an amino acid, L-Arginine HCL, which can increase sperm count and semen volume. As a bonus, it also increases the intensity of orgasms.
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