Here Are 8 Tips to Prevent Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can be an extremely painful condition. Stomach pain accompanied by diarrhea, fever, and cramps are just some of the common conditions associated with this ailment if you aren’t careful enough during the summer season. However, why is food poisoning associated with the summers? Well, food poisoning is common enough during summers thanks to the increased growth of bacteria facilitated by the rising temperature.

Food poisoning, as the name suggests, is the result of ingesting food that is spoiled, toxic, or contaminated.  Here’s how you can keep food poisoning at bay.

  1. Cook and eat fresh. It’s best to avoid consuming stale food, even if it has been refrigerated and stored well during the summers, especially when the temperatures peak. Bacteria are notorious enough to find a home in food that’s been stored away for a considerable period of time and they won’t mind shifting to your stomach when you invite them in. Cook only as much as you’ll eat and avoid storing food in the refrigerator for long periods of time. It’s best to eat fresh!
  1. Food poisoning isn’t always about the food. Your utensils too can be the culprits at times. Maybe you ate at an eatery with unclean utensils? Stay vigilant and observe the utensils food is served in. Are they clean enough? If not, wash them thoroughly before using them to store your food. They will only act as carriers for pathogens otherwise.
  1. Do not store fresh food outside for more than 2 hours. This will increase the risk of the food harboring bacteria. If you’ll not be consuming freshly cooked food for some time, store it away properly in a refrigerator.
  1. It’s important to ensure your food is cooked to the right temperature before you eat it. This is especially true for meats. Do not rely on your sense of sight and smell to judge if the food’s done; use a food thermometer instead. Heat will kill the dangerous bacteria, keeping you safe.
  1. If you’ll be eating outside, avoid eating raw fruits, veggies, and salads as they can carry lots of bacteria if prepared in unhygienic conditions.
  1. If you’re eating packaged food, check the expiry date before you stuff it into your mouth!
  1. Wash your hands well before you eat anything. This will prevent bacteria on your hands from entering the body.
  1. If you’ll be eating at a restaurant, check if the surroundings are clean enough and quality standards are being maintained.
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Namratha Kumar :