Categories: Health

Here are some probiotic rich foods you should eat

probiotic rich foods

Probiotic foods are the talk of the town. These foods have live micro-organisms that are believed to be beneficial for the body. The process of fermentation has been known for a long time now, it is believed that the process dates back to at least 6000 BC! The technique was once used for the preservation of food but is now the latest trend in nutrition thanks to amazing health benefits it packs in.

The good bacteria in the fermented foods will break the food down into lactic acid, making it more digestible. Fermentation also enhances the amount of protein and minerals in the food.

Yogurt is a great probiotic food

Yogurt that is laden with the right bacterial cultures are great probiotic foods. When selecting yogurt, look out for bacterial cultures such as Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus johnsonii.

Pickling is not fermenting

Contrary to popular opinion, pickling is not the same as fermenting. A pickled food might not necessarily be rich in probiotics. Technically, fermented food is one that has live bacteria with beneficial properties for health.

Fermented foods you should try

Here are some amazingly nutritious fermented foods you should try to maintain great digestive health.

  • Sauerkraut: This recipe uses fermented cabbage. The dish has plenty of vitamin A and C which help boost the functioning of the immune system. You can enjoy it as a side dish or as a salad too.
  • Kefir: A great drink which is extremely rich in good bacteria. Kefir is tangier and thinner in consistency than the yogurt. Kefir is also rich in folic acid content.
  • Tempeh: The delicacy originated in Indonesia and is a fermented cake. Since the preparation of the delicacy involves fermentation, it is rich in probiotics and also removes anti-nutrients found in soybeans that can prevent the body from absorbing vital nutrients.

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Akshara Patel :