The Magic of Coriander in Skincare

The Magic of Coriander

Coriander, more commonly referred to as cilantro, is a familiar herb to just about everyone. It is that interesting garnish that sits on the edge of your plate. The magical herb that changes the flavor of your dish. But recently, coriander has started to be used for more than just a garnish; it is the newest Rockstar of the beauty regimen world. You can see coriander as a key ingredient in lotions, creams, and shampoos. That is because the world has finally started to realize that coriander is full of powerful properties that will leave your skin looking amazing.

Coriander is extremely wealthy in folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and antioxidants, all things that are good for your skin. They work together to protect your cells from oxidative stress which leaves your skin feeling soft and supple and even grants it a glowing sensation. The antioxidants in particular protect your cells from degenerations and prevent the movement of free radicals throughout the body. Free radicals directly affect the aging process and can even cause cancer.

Cilantro is also a great source of iron which helps increase the hemoglobin levels in the body. This helps to prevent anemia which can lower the luster of your skin. It can also help to regulate the levels of oil in your skin and prevent it from drying. You can get all these benefits just by chewing on stalks of fresh coriander. Isn’t this a marvelous herb?

This plant even has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties which grants it the ability to treat acne, pimples, blackheads, and dry skin. Not only does it treat those issues, but it protects you from succumbing to infection and receiving permanent scarring. Coriander also has the ability to reduce acidity levels on the skin. If you mix it into a face pack you will be able to reduce redness and any bumps that occur as a result of high acidity.

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Priya Agarwal :