Walnuts Recipe

Walnuts are the nuts of any of the trees of the Juglans genus. These are not technically nuts in the botanical sense of the word. These are single-seed fruits and are commonly used for their meat once fully ripened. Interestingly enough, the husks of walnut have been used for making inks that have been used by artists including Leonardo da Vinci!
The most popular variety of walnut is the English walnut. Keep walnuts in an airtight container or you could place the package in a freezer bag. You can keep them fresh in a container placed in a refrigerator for up to 6 months. Stored in the freezer, they can be used for up to a year. Since walnuts have considerable oil content, they can go rancid quickly in warm climates. Store walnuts in Vaya Preserve and the nuts will stay fresh for your use.Culinary Use
  • Chopped walnuts are often used as toppings on salads.
  • They are used to make pesto sauce which is often relished with pasta.
  • They are also used to top yogurt alongside fruits.
  • Walnuts are used to make walnut oil which is often used as a part of salad dressings.

Health Benefits

  • Walnuts can help promote bone health. They are also a great way to keep cardiovascular diseases at bay.
  • Walnuts are rich sources of copper and thus help maintain good bone health.
  • Walnuts provide the body with healthy vitamins and minerals, fats and fiber.
  • Walnuts are powerhouses of antioxidants.
  • They are also rich sources of vitamin E.
  • They are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Inflammation is believed to cause type-2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Walnuts are known to decrease inflammation.
  • Walnuts promote the growth of the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • They make ideal foods for weight watchers as they help to keep the appetite under control.
  • They are also known to lower blood pressure.

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