Sugar Recipe

Sugars are of two types: natural sugars and added sugars. Natural sugars are those that are found naturally in fruits and milk. These provide nutrition and help to regulate blood sugar. Added sugars include refined white sugar, brown sugar, syrups, and honey. They have little nutritional value in comparison to natural sugars and can increase the blood glucose level. If you consume sugar in a moderate quantity, it will be beneficial. However, if you consume sugar in large amounts, it can be very harmful. Experts believe that the major cause of obesity is the consumption of sugar in large amounts. Sugar consumption is also a major cause of diseases such as diabetes.

When storing sugar, protect it from moisture and store it in an airtight container. It can be used for approximately 1 year if stored properly. For easy use, store sugar in 500 ml Preserve so it is fresh for everyday use.

Culinary uses

  • Sugar is often added to food to enhance the taste. It can help make food more palatable.
  • Sugar can also increase the shelf life of foods and also their texture. It is used as a preservative and is added in foods like jams to slow down the growth of bacteria.
  • It is also added to sour fruits like berries to make them palatable and increase the flavor of the fruit.
  • Sugar is also used to add color.
  • Sugar and cinnamon are sprinkled on top of fruit muffins to provide them a crunchy topping.
  • It adds viscosity to chutneys, syrups, and sauces.
  • It also reduces water activity in beverages and fruits.

Health benefits

  • Sugar provides energy to the body immediately. Energy is critical to perform all functions of the body.
  • Sugar also helps you to store energy for later use.
  • It is an instant mood lifter. It activates the pleasure center in the brain which makes one feel happy.
  • The consumption of sugar should be limited as it can result in obesity and diabetes if consumed in excessive amounts.


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