Categories: DietNews

Here’s How You Can Include Fiber in Your Everyday Diet


Fiber is one of the best things to include in your diet. It helps you to lose weight, lower cholesterol, regulate digestive health, and prevent chronic diseases. It isn’t difficult to include fiber in your diet either. Below are some simple dietary changes you can make to make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber.

Eat Whole-Food Carb Sources

Whole-foods like whole wheat bread are natural sources of fiber. Most fruits, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables can be considered a whole-food. These are a good options because you can typically incorporate them with just about any meal or eat them raw.

Include Veggies in Meals, and Eat Them First

If you want to increase your fiber intake, then you should just make sure to always have a vegetable serving with each meal. You should also make sure to eat the vegetables first so that you can fill up on them. The more vegetables you eat, the more fiber you eat.

Eat Popcorn

We all like to snack at times; it’s just one of those things that helps us get through our day. Popcorn is the ultimate snack, because it’s actually a whole grain, so it has a lot of fiber. Just make sure to make your popcorn the traditional way. Instant popcorn has a lot of negative health aspects.

Snack on Fruit

Fruit is another great snack choice. It’s portable (it’s often packaged in its own skin), tasty, and typically already comes in single serving portion sizes. And just about every single type of fruit contains fiber. They simply vary as to how much fiber they have.

Choose Whole Grains over Refined Grains

Eating whole grain bread makes bread healthy. White bread or bread made from refined flour is full of empty calories and not good for you. Whole grains also include quinoa, barley, maize, oatmeal, etc.

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Anandhi Raguram :