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Fasting may Keep Age Related Diseases at Bay, as per Study: Here’s What You Need to Know About the Types of Fasting


New studies have found that fasting can actually activate a molecule that can slow down the aging of arteries. This has the potential to prevent age-related diseases like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and certain cancers. Below are some fasting methods you can try to trigger the anti-aging process:

  1. The 16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours each day.
    This method requires fasting every day for 14-16 hours per day. You limit your viable eating window to 8-10 hours a day. That is enough time to reasonably eat 2-3 meals or more. You can easily complete this fasting method by skipping breakfast. And not eating anything after dinner. Many people already subscribe to this fasting method.
  2. The 5:2 Diet: Fast for 2 days per week.
    This method requires that you eat as normal for 5 days a week, and restrict your caloric intake to 500-600 for the remaining two days out of the week. There are no studies that actually test the efficacy of this particular fasting diet, but it can firmly be considered to be an intermittent fasting variant.
  3. Eat-Stop-Eat: Do a 24-hour fast, once or twice a week.
    This fasting variant is just like it says – fast for 24 hours one or two days per week. It can be achieved as simply fasting from dinner on day 1 to dinner on day 2. The key to this fasting method is to eat normally between fasting periods. Don’t bother counting calories. It also takes more will power than most other fasts as many people become extremely hungry in the last few hours.
  4. The Warrior Diet: Fast during the day, eat a huge meal at night.
    This is a great method for people who are concerned about their will power. If you don’t’ think you can maintain a fast for long periods of time, then this is a great method for you. You are allowed to consume 500 calories before dinner. If done right you can have a light breakfast and a snack, followed by a very lovely dinne
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Anandhi Raguram :