Categories: Ice Cream

Snow Ice Cream

Snow Ice Cream

You might have tried ice creams of different flavors. But have you ever tried snow ice cream made from pure snow? Yes, you read that right! It’s very simple and easy to make and needless to say, is as beautiful and charming as the magic of snow! As delicious as this ice cream is, equally exciting is the process of making it. You can collect fresh snow or shave ice and use it for preparing snow ice cream.

Health Benefits

Snow ice cream is safe to eat as synthetic preservatives, colors or flavors are not used. While ice cream flavors sold in the market often use artificial flavors and ingredients, homemade ice cream guarantees the use of quality ingredients. It requires less sugar than regular ice cream.

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1 cup condensed milk

4 tbsp of sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

dash of salt

6 cups of snow (fresh) or ice (shaved)

sprinkles or chocolate chips - for topping

How To Make Snow Ice Cream

  • Place a big bowl inside the freezer to chill it. Take some ice cubes and cold water in another large bowl and keep it aside. Mix together the condensed milk, vanilla extract, sugar, and salt in one hollow vessel and keep it aside.
  • Collect 6 cups of fresh clean snow in your chilled bowl. Keep the vessel which has snow over the bowl containing ice cubes and cold water. Stir into the snow the vanilla extract mixture and sweetened condensed milk till it combines to the thickness of an ice cream.
  • Serve immediately in ice cream cups. You can top it with your favorite toppings, sprinkles or chocolate chips and enjoy! Be sure to eat it right away, as it melts quickly. This snow ice cream should be consumed when it is freshly made.


There’s something so special about snowfall and freshly fallen snow. It’s an integral part of the holiday spirit, isn’t it? The snow ice cream is basically a dessert in which snow is mixed with a sweetened dairy-based liquid to make an ice cream substitute. It is said that ancient Greeks ate snow mixed with honey and fruit in the markets of Athens during the 5th century BC.

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