Categories: Soup

Roasted and Curried Butternut Squash Soup

Roasted and Curried Butternut Squash Soup

There are days when no dish can come close to a bowl of comfort food, all warm and washing away the whole day’s tiredness away from your body. This roasted and curried butter nut squash soup is perfect for dinner after a hectic day. It is perfect for freezing so you can make these in large batches. Serve with fresh cream or yoghurt for the extra richness, you could also choose to use coconut milk in place of cream for a different flavor. The roasted vegetables each bring in a unique taste and flavor to this soup.

Health Benefits

  • This power-packed nutritional veggie is full of vitamins including C, B6 and A, folate, fiber, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and riboflavin
  • Not only does this veggie help boost bone strength but also aids in weight loss by processing carbohydrates and fats the right way
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1 butternut squash (seeded and halved)

2 large onions (quartered)

1 garlic

6 cups vegetable broth

1 bay leaf

1 tsp brown sugar

salt and pepper

1 tsp mild curry powder

½ tsp dried oregano

½ tsp ground cumin

¼ tsp ground nutmeg

1 cup plain yoghurt

¼ cup chopped fresh parsley

How To Make Roasted and Curried Butternut Squash Soup

  • Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C.
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  • Place the onion and squash halves onto the tray.
  • Add in the vegetables on the tray and place a foil-wrapped garlic in the middle.
  • Roast the vegetables and squash for sixty minutes.
  • Take out the tray from the oven and set aside until it is cool enough to touch,
  • Squeeze out the garlic cloves in a bowl and scrape the squash flesh into it too.
  • Add the roasted onions, vegetable stock, garlic and squash into the blender and blend until a puree consistency.
  • Pour this mixture into a stockpot and season with brown sugar, oregano, curry powder, bay leaf, nutmeg, pepper, salt and cinnamon.
  • Bring the puree to boil.
  • Allow it to simmer on low heat for ten minutes.
  • Remove the crockpot from heat add yoghurt.
  • Serve hot in a plate and top it with a tablespoon of yoghurt.


  • Did you know that the number one top producer of squash is China?
  • The oldest crop of squash dates back to 10,000 years, from a site in Mexico
  • The name “squash” has a Narragansett Native American origin. It is also called “askutasquash”, which translates to “eaten uncooked or raw”
Camelia Smith :