Categories: Side dish

Potato and Cheese Pierogi

Potato and Cheese Pierogi

Potato and cheese Pierogi is one of the several types of central and eastern European dumplings stuffed with a range of fillings.

From potatoes and cheese to sauerkraut, or even prunes, the dumplings can be made with any kind of stuffing you like, but potato and cheese filling is the most popular one.

Check the best potato recipe – potato and cheese pierogi below.

Health Benefits

Potato and cheese Pierogi is not bad for you unless you eat too much of it. Both the major ingredients, potatoes and cheese can be fattening if eaten excessively so watch the amount!

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medium russet potato: 1

cheddar, grated: 50 g

cottage cheese: 50 g

onion sliced then caramelized: 1

Salt and black pepper

butter, for frying: 4 tbsp

flour: 260 g

tsp of salt: 1/2

Eggs: 2

vegetable oil: 1 tbsp

water, or as needed to bring the dough together: 5 tbsp

How To Make Potato and Cheese Pierogi

  1. Unpeel and boil the potatoes until soft. After adding cheese, onion, salt, and pepper, mash everything together. Cover up and set aside until cool.
  2. In a food processor, prepare the dough by pounding everything (except water) together or by blending in a bowl using your hands. Pour out just enough water to get it to bind it into supple, workable dough. Drape it in Clingfilm and let stay for about 30 minutes. This will have the gluten relaxed and make it easy for you to knead the dough.
  3. Rolling, even out the dough to 5mm thick and then cut circles. Top with a dollop of potato filling each. Draw the dough around the filling and tuck together at the top. Next, work the pattern around the edges.
    It might be easier to work with less stuffing initially but try to slowly increase it to make nice, plump pierogi.
  4. Either freeze them or boil right away. Just cook until they float and the dough is fully cooked. This will only take 3-5 minutes but depends on how thick the dough is rolled out. Drain and fry in butter until brown.
  5. Devour them with caramelized onions or a blob of sour cream.


According to the food history authority Alan Davidson, the term ‘dumpling’ first appeared in print in the early 17th century.

Another authority claims that the term dumpling was first used in 1600 in the Norfolk area of the United Kingdom.

Melanie Green :