Categories: Snacks

Pogaca (Feta Dumplings)

When you are tired of your usual menu, just look out for pogaca, a dish that could be different from your everyday dishes and enrich your meal experience. Pogaca is delicious. Follow the recipe and don’t forget to make extra servings, as neighbors will keep knocking on your door, asking for a bite of it. With a handful of ingredients, this dish can be rustled up in a few minutes, a treat that stores well as well!

Health Benefits

Pogaca is highly nutritious and houses the vital nutrients human body needs to run its daily metabolism perfectly.

Flour is one of the ingredients of this amazing recipe and it gives the body the energy it needs to function effectively. Yogurt too is rich in protein. You already know what protein does for the human body. It builds tissues and also repairs torn ones.

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2 cup yogurt- plain

3/4 cup butter- melted

salt to taste

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp sugar

2 cup flour

1/3 cup feta- crumbled

2 egg- yolk

2 tbsp sesame seeds- chopped

How To Make Pogaca (Feta Dumplings)

  • Mix in a bowl flour, yogurt, butter, sugar, baking powder, crumbled feta, egg, sesame seeds, and knead with your hands to make dough
  • Roll out dough into small ball-like like apricot
  • Flip, press, and flatten each ball and arrange them on a greasw-proof baking tray.
  • Garnish each ball with egg yolk and sprinkle sesame seed on each roll
  • Bake for 30 minutes or when the Pogaca turns to golden brown
  • Enjoy


Like cow’s milk which is good in making frozen milk, the milk of sheep and goats are healthy alternatives.

Zara Hamidi :