Categories: Salads



Kosambari is mostly prepared in South India. Occasionally you may hear someone call it koshambari. Don’t think too far when you hear that—It is a type of simple salad. In Marathi, all salads are collectively called koshmbir.

Oh well! That is enough introduction on salads, so let’s now get to know what kosambari exactly is. Kosambari is a kind of salad that is made of vegetables and split green gram. Addition of fresh coconut makes the final dish amazing! And of course, you can’t call it kosambari without the tempering of the curry leaves and mustard seeds.

Health Benefits:

Health-wise kosambari salad is extremely beneficial because of two things:

The main ingredient in kosambari is green gram—a legume rich in proteins.

kosambari is served raw, which means that the nutrients from carrots, cucumber, and lentils remain intact. The vegetables used in this recipe are rich in fiber and help reduce weight. The salad as a whole has negligible amounts of cholesterol, because very little oil is required for the tempering.

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split green gram: 1/4 cup

cucumbers—peeled, deseeded, and grated: 2

carrot—peeled and grated: 2

fresh grated coconut: 4 tbsp

green chili--chopped: 1

sprigs--finely chopped coriander: 4

lemon Juice: 1 tsp

salt to taste

gingelly oil: 2 tsp

: ½ tsp

curry leaves: 6

How To Make Kosambari

  1. Wash lentils and soak in water for 30 minutes.
  2. In a bow, mix cucumber, carrot, coconut, coriander and chili, lemon juice, and salt.
  3. Heat oil in a small pan, splutter mustard seeds, wait for the crackling to reduce, and add curry leaves.
  4. Add the tempering to the salad, mix well and enjoy!

You can also serve kosambari chilled.

Who doesn’t want salad after a heavy meal to wash down the main dish? Pack hot meals along with some kosambari in a Vaya Tyffyn. They come in two sizes and a plethora of themes. Visit our website to see what we can offer you this festive season!

Lakshmi sashidhar :