Bread Roll Recipe

Bread Roll recipe

Bread is one of the ingredients which you can transform into at least a hundred variety of dishes just like with rice and wheat flour. Everyone is perhaps familiar with rolls, especially when you visit a bakery or Chinese fast food center or even a restaurant, you can view ‘roll’ with a variant in the menu. One of the recipes you can see is bread roll recipe which you eat a starter or a side dish. In Europe and in the American continents bread is an essential ingredient. Here, the bread roll recipe is an Indian variant which includes garam masala powder, a mixture of exotic spices.

Health Benefits

Wheat bread has nutrients and fiber. Make sure it is 100% wheat bread. It has iron, which helps in the proper flow of oxygen to the brain. But eating bread regularly is not preferable as it increases the risk of type-2 diabetes and weight gain

Potatoes contain a good number of vitamins and minerals. Peeling potatoes can significantly reduce their nutritional content. Potatoes are good sources of antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancers. The resistant starch in potatoes may also improve digestive health. They are incredibly filling, which may help to lose weight. Eating fried potatoes will

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8 bread slices

3 potatoes boiled and smashed

½ tsp Red chilli powder

¼ tsp garam masala

½ tsp dry mango powder

½ tsp cumin powder

1 tsp salt


How To Make Bread Roll Recipe

  • In a bowl, add mashed potatoes, red chili powder, garam masala powder, dry mango powder, cumin powder, salt and mix well.
  • Make small rolls with the mixture and set them aside.
  • Take a slice of bread soak it in water and remove it immediately, drain the excess water by pressing the bread with fingers.
  • Place the mixture role onto bread slice.
  • Fold the bread diagonally by pressing it gently to make a roll.
  • Heat oil in a wok and fry the rolls gently on low, medium flame until they turn crispy golden brown.
  • Serve the hot bread rolls with green chutney or tomato ketchup.


"Small bread" is also found as Italian panino, commonly denotes a very specific kind of Tramezzino sandwich bread.

An assortment of rolls is found in Europe, from white rolls made with wheat flour, to dark rolls containing mostly rye flour. Many variants include spices, like coriander and cumin, or nuts. Also bread rolls containing with whole seeds such as sesame, poppy, pumpkin or sunflower are common

Namratha Kumar :