Categories: Spices



Baharat is Arabic for spice mixture. This spice mixture has delectable taste and is too hard to be rejected even when it’s been prepared by someone you hardly know. It is a Middle Eastern cuisine with a huge difference from the spice mix made in several other places and has an appealing flavor. Good enough, an airtight storage containers is all you need to keep it in your fridge for as many months as you love. It stores well and tastes as good as a freshly prepared batch.

Health Benefits

Baharat contains most of the nutrients you need and its consumption ensures you stay healthy for a very long time. Also, it is made up of antioxidant properties just at it boosts your immune system. As a storehouse of antioxidant properties, you will be protected from cancer as long as you take this recipe. Also, it boosts the immune system and this keeps you safe from illnesses because immune system repels disease-causing organisms.

Carbohydrate is also one of the by-products of this recipe. It provides the body with all the energy it requires to function effectively. Excess of this nutrient can have severe consequences for the body but the carbohydrate content of this recipe is in the right proportion that the body needs. So, the body can get the boost it needs to run well.

Protein is another nutrient present in this recipe. Protein is good for the body and its deficiency can cause you difficult health issues. Protein helps build up the tissues of the body. It gives the body the vitality it needs to remain strong and do well as far as its metabolism is concerned.

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5 tbsp paprika- mild

4 tbsp pepper- black, grinder and finely chopped

3 tbsp cumin- grinded

2 tbsp coriander- grinded

2 tbsp cinnamon- grinded

2 tbsp cloves- grinded

1 tbsp cardamom- grinded

1 tbsp star anise- grinded

1 tsp nutmeg- grinded

How To Make Baharat

  • Mix paprika, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, coriander, cloves, star anise, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Transfer to an airtight container  for 4 months
  • Enjoy


Cilantro has been around for over five hundred years in North America and the popularity of its seed around the world today is massive.

Leya Abbas :