Benefits of Nuts in Preventing Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is one of the deadliest cancers affecting men today. This is largely due to the fact that it is extremely hard to detect without a prostate exam, which requires regular checkups by a physician. The cancer can develop steadily for years without displaying severe symptoms. Some of the symptoms of prostate cancer include blood in the urine and semen, urinary issues, pain in the upper legs, pelvis, spine, or hips, and discomfort during ejaculation. This little gland that is roughly the size of a walnut (pun intended) can truly be dangerous if not monitored closely.

How Nuts Help – The biggest deterrent to developing prostate cancer is living a healthy lifestyle; this includes a healthy diet. Nuts are an excellent way to contribute to your health. They are densely packed with nutrients that your body needs like fiber, phenolic compounds, tocopherols, phytosterols, and vegetable protein. Research shows that men who eat 1/3 of a cup of tree nuts 5 times a week decrease their chance of dying from prostate cancer by 34% in comparison to those who ate them just once per month.

Why you must Include Nuts in your Diet Everyday – There’s a large variety of tree nuts so you will definitely be able to find something that suits your taste: Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, pine nuts, and pistachios. Eating nuts will help to improve your overall health and lower your risk of obtaining many conditions like heart disease or high cholesterol. In relation to prostate cancer, they also improve your insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance increases your risk of developing or progressing prostate cancer. Tree nuts also contain a large amount of selenium which is a cancer fighting antioxidant that simultaneously eliminates free radicals while strengthening the immune system. Nuts turn out to be very similar to apples, in that eating them every day may just keep the doctor away.

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