How to Avoid Falling Sick During Monsoons? Follow these Ayurvedic Tips

Avoid Falling Sick During Monsoons

Monsoon season can be a trying time for people. With so much moisture in the air, and perpetual wetness, it can be hard to maintain your normal lifestyle and stay healthy. If you become sick during monsoon season, the sickness can become perpetual and last the entire season. This can be prevented if you take precautions by using the Ayurvedic tips below.

1. Eat well-cooked food

Watch what you eat during the Monsoon season. You want to make sure you are avoiding uncooked and raw foods. Cook your food and make sure its hygienic, especially when that food is meat. Avoid food from street vendors too. You want to take these extreme precautions because the rainy season causes bacteria to stick to food more often, making it not fit to be consumed.

2. Avoid spicy food

Eating spicy food is a way of life for some people, and a complete no-no for others. You want to avoid spicy food during monsoon season because it can hinder your digestion and lead to problems like constipation. You want your body operating optimally and at peak efficiency during monsoon season. Instead of spicy food, eat oil free food along with wheat and barley.it will help to boost your immunity and flush out toxins which will keep your organs functioning properly.

3. Try panchakarma

Panchkarma is a fivefold healing procedure that is used in Ayurveda. It is a procedure designed to remove toxins from the body that is leftover by diseases. If you do succumb to sickness during monsoon season then it is important to cleanse yourself after your health improves. Panchkarma is a dual mind-body healing process that restores your body’s balance. It uses herbal remedies, massages, and other oil-based remedies that rejuvenate the organs.

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Priya Agarwal :