5 Foods that Can Strengthen Your Nails

Strengthen Your Nails

Our fingernails are very important; not only do they help with our aesthetic appearance, but they are actually indicators of our bone health. There is a very deep connection between fingernail health and bone health. So, when you have strong bones you have strong fingernails and vis versa. Below are some foods you can eat to improve both your fingernail health and your bone health.


Salmon is a treasure trove of bone rejuvenation and nail strengthening nutrients. It is filled with B12, a crucial vitamin that keeps your nails from becoming dark and dry. Salmon also contains vitamin D which is another crucial vitamin for maintaining good bone development.


Eggs are great for maintaining a good bone-healthy diet. They are a fantastic natural source of vitamin D and protein, a combination that is necessary for strong fingernails. Eggs are also a good source of vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin A, biotin, and iron. Biotin in particular is important for building strong nails. It has been proven to increase fingernail thickness and reduce brittleness and subsequent splitting.

Iodine and eggs are two other important compounds found in eggs. The iodine helps to ensure a healthy thyroid which is important because an unhealthy thyroid can lead to excessive bone loss. And sulfur helps to strengthen your hair and fingernails.


Biotin, the vitamin responsible for fingernail strength and integrity, is also found in beans. In one study, people with brittle nails were provided 2.5 mg of biotin every day for 6 months. The treatment resulted in the participants demonstrating increased nail thickness by 25%.


Oats contain many micronutrients that can affect the health of your fingernails like, copper, zinc, manganese, silicon, and vitamin B12. They work to improve your nail density.

Sunflower Seeds

The best thing about sunflower seeds is that they contain trace minerals like copper and manganese. These minerals synthesize production and connective tissue found in bones and cartilage.

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Surbhi Agarwal :