3 Natural Home Remedies for Treating Sunburn

Remedies for Treating Sunburn

Sunburn occurs when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight and becomes red, sore, or chipped. In some cases, the skin may start peeling even after using sunscreen. The sunburn takes at least a few days to heal fully.  Though sunburn short-lived it can increase the risk of severe skin disorders eventually like early aging signs, wrinkling and worse, skin cancer.  Most people underestimate the power of the sun rays. It doesn’t matter whether you live in a cold, hot or warm climate, if you are exposed to direct sunlight, you will get sunburns. Here are three readily available natural home remedies for treating sunburn.

Plain Curd – easy home remedy number one

One of the most available ingredients in every home is unflavored yogurt or plain curd. Especially, in India curd is eaten with rice or roti after eating a spicy meal. Curd contains the essential enzymes and probiotics which can heal sunburn naturally. Apply curd or yogurt directly to burned areas and allow at least five minutes to start working. When the pain subsides, gently wash off with cool water.

Aloe Vera – easy home remedy number two

Aloe vera plant works best when it is used in its natural form. There are many gel products available in the market as topical products contain aloe vera. However, you can also cut open an aloe vera leaf or peel thin green layer. Scoop the sticky gel from the leaf using a spoon. Having an aloe vera plant at home is useful for sunburn and many other ailments. Aloe vera also works as an anesthetic for pains caused by sunburn.

Vinegar – easy home remedy number three

It doesn’t matter if it is a white or apple cider vinegar. Both are an effective remedy for sunburnt skin treatment. Any form of vinegar contains malic acid and also works like aspirin to relieve pain, stimulate circulation and also help you heal faster. Apple cider vinegar also helps maintain the skin’s pH levels which can help reduce peeling and blisters. Just soak paper towels with vinegar and place on the painful areas and mildly compress it. Allow the paper to dry. If you are using it on your face, do not apply around the eyes. You can also have a lukewarm bath. Just pour some vinegar, preferably white vinegar and soak for 20 minutes.

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Priya Agarwal :