Thank you for Choosing Vaya

Usage Tips

  • Place Vaya Tyffyn on a sturdy surface when opening or closing it.
  • Keep the food you want to keep warmest in the top container.
  • Ensure the lower container is properly fitted into the base before nesting the remaining containers on top.
  • Open the inner containers slowly by pulling the finger grip on the lid.
  • Always keep Tyffyn standing upright.

Cleaning and Care

For the Inner Containers and Lids, use mild detergent and wash by hand in warm water or in the dishwasher. Avoid scrubbing or using bleach or detergents with chlorine as it may damage coatings and plastic components.

For the Base and Shell, wipe with a damp cloth and use mild detergent if necessary. Do not soak, wash in the dishwasher. Do not scrub or use bleach or detergents containing chlorine.

Terms & Conditions

  • Products are covered under a warranty of 1 year period.
  • Warranty applies only on products that are registered.
  • Warranty does not cover defects or damages caused by misuse or misconduct of the products.
  • Vaya Life reserves the right to inspect products returned to determine if it is covered under manufacturer's warranty.