The Ultimate Checklist for a Quick Weekend Getaway

Traveling season is here once more. It is time to escape from mundane lives and hit the world in search of freedom and adventure! It’s quite understandable how you can’t wait to book your tickets and pack your bags, but before you do, make sure you’re not forgetting anything. Use this basic checklist to make sure you have everything you need when traveling.

1.Stainless Steel Water Bottle

When you travel, you are definitely going to want to take time to sight see, even if you’ve been to the location before. Walking around is one of the best parts of traveling, it’s the only way to really see and feel the place you’re visiting. That’s why it is important that you make sure you stay hydrated. You want to always have water with you when you’re travelling, because the last thing you want is to fall victim to heat stroke. A stainless steel water bottle has durability so you can bring it just about anywhere. There are insulated water bottles online, so you can keep your water at room temperature, warm or cold without any problem. Carrying your own water also keeps you safe from water-borne diseases.

2.Document Holder

Traveling always requires more paper work than you’re going to want to deal with, even in today’s highly digitized climate. You’re going to want to keep all your travel documents in one place; that includes your passport. The best way to do this is to get a designated passport holder that you can find at just about any travel store. A good passport holder should have room enough for both your passport and any corresponding documents.

3.Stomach Medication

Eating while traveling can be an amazing experience. It can also be amazingly devastating if you’re not careful. Eating while traveling is one of the best ways to come down with stomach ailments. That is why you should take your own little pharmacy of drugs to treat your stomach.


When you are out and about, you certainly want to make memories. What best way than to record or click some shots? Carry your camera along, pictures and images make great inspiration for planning a next trip too!

5.Phrase Book

Most people think the best way to start with a new language is to learn a lot of words. This is true to an extent, you definitely need a sizable vocabulary to communicate. But when you’re traveling, you don’t want a pocket dictionary, you want a phrase book. That way you can learn words with a great utilitarian value, and say what you need.

When you are travelling, make it a point to do unique things, and eat at local restaurants. This makes you emotionally connect with the place you’ve been too. Vacations are perfect for discovering the interesting side of you, your relaxed, stressed-free side that you don’t get to see often. Unwind and have a great trip, just make sure you carry your water bottle and camera around!