Top 10 Reasons to Drink More Water

Water is an essential element for all living beings. It is what keeps all the cells working, and hydration is something the body needs immensely. The need for drinking water in summer arises more with all the sweating and heat-related issues. It is easy to become dehydrated when your water input is less than the output. This can lead to various health issues that could turn serious if not dealt with on time. If you find drinking water tedious, you can infuse it with fruits, lime, or mint. It is also advisable to invest in a stainless steel water bottle. It is environmentally friendly and highly durable. It also acts as a reminder for you to keep sipping water throughout the day. If you are still looking for more reasons to drink water, then please keep reading on.

1. Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids

Water is crucial for the appropriate circulation of nutrients in your body. It serves as the body’s transportation system. When your body is not hydrated well, the transportation system takes the hit, and certain body actions aren’t done properly. Drinking enough water can effectively regulate your body temperature? It can also relieve you of headaches. One of the best ways to ensure more consumption is to carry a flask with you everywhere. In summers, a flask or a stainless steel water bottle will keep your water chilled, allowing you to have a refreshing sip all day long.

2. Immune System Function

When you consider immunity, getting enough water might not be the first thing that would occur to you. But, it should. A higher amount of water loss occurs when you are sick, e.g., diarrhea or fighting a bug. Hence, pay close attention to the fluids when you are under the weather. Moreover, hydration plays a role in the lubrication of mucous membrane barriers in the nose and mouth as they are the first defense against most pathogens, transporting nutrients, clearance of cellular waste, lymphatic draining, and antibodies.

3. Weight Loss

Water has zero calories. Drinking more water, drinking water before a meal, or swapping out calorie-filled beverages with water are effective strategies. Research also says that these can help achieve weight loss. Water intake has also been proven to increase fat oxidation and energy expenditure, especially in obesity. Also, foods with high water content tend to look larger. Their high volume requires more chewing, allowing it to get absorbed slowly by the body, making you feel full. Some of the water-rich foods include vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, broth-based soups, and beans.

4. Digestive Regularity

It is called “bowel movement” for a reason. This is because the bowels ought to be moving. For few people, that might not always be the case. Insufficient water intake is generally associated with constipation. Thus, hydration is an effective and easy answer for all your digestive woes.

5. Physical Performance

Inadequate consumption of water and depletion of water losses during any physical activity or exercise, through sweating, for example, can worsen your performance. The lack of hydration and repletion of electrolytes plays a role in translating into less blood flow to the muscles, less endurance, more fatigue, and reduced cardiac output.

6. Makes Your Skin Glow

Your skin is the largest organ in the body. Plentiful and regular water consumption improves the skin texture and color by building new cells appropriately. Yeah, you heard it right! Drinking water also aids the skin, helping it in doing its job of regulating the temperature of the body via sweating. Dehydration can be one of the major causes of al’ those dreaded wrinkles. Once you are sufficiently hydrated, the kidneys immediately take over and remove the excess fluids. Hence, hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate!

7. Save Money!

Water is free. Then why spend money on sugary drinks, high-calorie, or fancy coffees when you have what you need right at the comfort of your home? So, go ahead and grab a water bottle before heading out of the house. You’re covered! Are you aware that pop drinks can be the leading cause behind health issues like heart disease and type-2 diabetes? Another valid reason to choose water over everything else! Moreover, try drinking water as soon as you wake up in the morning. It is a powerful fuel to rehydrate your body to get things moving!

8. Water Helps Your Kidneys

Body fluids are meant to transport waste products in and out of the cells. The primary toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen. This toxin is a water-soluble waste passing through the kidneys to be eliminated in the urine. Your kidneys do an excellent job of ridding and cleansing your body of toxins. This only happens as long as your intake of fluids is sufficient. When your body gets enough fluids, the urine flows freely. It is light in color and free of any odor. And when your body doesn’t receive enough fluids, the urine concentration, odor, color, etc., worsens as the kidneys trap the extra fluid for all bodily functions. If you persistently drink too little, you could be at high risk for kidney stones, especially in hot and warm climates.

9. Mood Improver

It Can Improve Mood. Have you ever woken up grumpy? Research claims that dehydration can easily affect your mood, making you irritated or confused. This is because the brain doesn’t receive enough amount of water. So, be happier, think clearly, and stay in a good mood all by drinking a bit more water from your water bottle.

10. Eye Health

Your eyes have a high water content, and the issue of dehydration has been associated with eye conditions like cataracts, dry eye, and retinal vascular disease. This itself is a huge reason to consume more water and stay hydrated all through the day.


For a healthy mind and body, water is both beneficial and vital. All you have to do is pick up your water bottle and drink. All the nutritionists, doctors, and scientists always stress more on the consumption of water. Other than your body, drinking water can also be good for your mind. These reasons must be adequate to help you intake as much water as you can every day!