Top 5 Summer Essentials That You Should Carry in Your Handbag


Summer is here, and it calls for a change in your wardrobe, eating habits, and the things you carry in your hand bag. This season brings you beach days, vacations, juicy fruits and ice creams, but this weather can be challenging if you do not care for yourself. So, if you want to protect yourself from the red hot blazing sun, then open your bag and double-check these few items when you go out to enjoy the sun!

Summer Essentials That You Should Carry

1. Water Bottle

Carrying a water bottle has to be the first and topmost priority if you step out of your house. A work meeting, brunch or just a grocery stroll around the block, keeping yourself hydrated should never be harnessed to a limit. Tote bags generally have a lot of space (so much that if you try, you can also carry a dynasty inside them), so it shouldn’t be a problem to take a bottle full of water. Having your very own bottle will not only be much more hygienic but also economical for you. Imagine spending your money every day to buy a sealed plastic bottle of water, and by doing that, you are wasting your money and welcoming a more significant problem to the climate. So, roll out some cash from your wallet and invest in more sustainable options that are safe for you as well as the environment. Get yourself a stainless steel water bottle or a flask and take your step towards making the earth a better place to live.

2. Hair Ties and Hair Brush

Summers can be a bit of a mess for sure. Since the days are hot and humid, as a result, people sweat a lot more than usual. The harsh sun and your sweaty palms will not only make your skin go oily and slippery but will also make your hair look unruly and dry. At the same time, it is vital to note that it can take 5 minutes of exposure to the sun to make your hair look crazy. So what happens if you are taking the stuffy public transport because your car broke down and you have an interview scheduled in 5 minutes, and you are anyway running late? Your only fall from disgrace is to have a fantastic resume and to look presentable during the interview. So make sure that you always carry a scrunchie and a hairbrush in your handbag so that you can just take a minute in the restroom and fix your hair. It is best not to use hairdryers and flat irons this season as they will add to the heat that you are anyway receiving from the sun. Chin up and tie your hair up, girls!

3. Snack Box

The season for treating yourself to some crunchy deep-fried samosas and some hot garlic soup is over, so make sure that you do not get into the trap of getting a snack while coming back from work every evening. Having oily and deep-fried food will open a million possibilities of breakouts and acne to come your way. Always pack some healthy fruits with good water content to eat and feel fresh all the time. You can also make a fruit smoothie and carry it in a smart water bottle or a flask so that there is no depletion of the nutrient value. Fruits like watermelons, mangoes, pineapples and litchis with some mint are best for the summers. Your fruits are packed with flavour, freshness and great for your body because of the water content. So, wake up early, cut some fruits, pack your snack in an insulated food storage jar or a lunchbox, and carry it in your bag!

4. Wet Wipes and Sunscreen

There is no doubt that the harmful rays have a terrible impact on your skin, making it greasy and oily. If you want to beat the heat and protect the smooth glowing skin you are proud of, then make sure that you carry a packet full of wet wipes and some sunscreen always in your bag. Wet wipes help wipe the dirt away that get clogged into the tiny pores of your skin, but you can also brush your shirt if you end up getting a makeup stain. It is best to use them at least twice during the day when you feel that you need your skin to feel clean and rejuvenated. On the other hand, using sunscreen with SPF 15 or above to protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays should be a compulsory habit that you should get yourself acquainted with this summer. So, do not wait any longer; wipe your face and apply the sunscreen right now as you read this article!

5. Essential Items

Essential items can differ from person to person, but some of the things you should never forget are house keys, a grocery list and your wallet. If you forget any of these, you would have to take a trip back again, which will be a waste of time and effort. As you do not want to get locked out of your house or realise that you do not have your wallet, you wait to pay for the groceries. Not having your grocery list with you can also lead to overspending or missing out on the ingredients you need to make your artichoke dip with the hand-rolled nachos for dinner. So, double-check your bag every time before leaving your house for these three essentials!

Final Words

Do not let the summer heat stop you from getting the best from your day. Follow a few simple tips and tricks to ensure that this season is a smooth ride for you to go on. It is impossible to be picture-perfect every day and never miss out on a thing, but if you start early and get into a routine of packing your bag with the things you need, it will eventually become a habit. After all, you cannot carry your house in a bag, so the next best alternative is to get your most essential items in your hand bag!