Pro Tips to Choose the Right Tiffin Box for Office

Choosing a work attire can be a bit overwhelming with the clothes ranging from formals to business casuals and casual. But on the brighter side, choosing the right lunch box for work comes off pretty easy. Although easy, it still needs to be chosen with care. After all, one should never compromise on the quality of a lunch box they use for daily meals! Go ahead and read on!

1. Insulated Lunch Box

On most days, it could be challenging to be neck-deep in work for hours without having a single break. Especially when you do not have the luxury to work from home, if someone had to define ‘office’, it would be nothing but a shell full of files, work, and conferences. So, among other things, you also look forward to having your lunch and enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal! But an insulated lunchbox can turn that lunch break into a more exciting one. A warm home cooked meal in an insulated lunchbox is something you can definitely get used to!

2. Size

While you are buying a tiffin box, especially for the office, make sure your lunch box’s size is not oddly huge. A lunch box should be compact and just suitable for what your lunch requirements are. It should be crafted precisely with multiple necessary compartments to keep all the components of your lunch intact! Remember that your box’s size should fit on your work desk if you don’t eat in the cafeteria!

3. Compatible with a Lunch Bag

Lunch bags are very much in trend, so if you are a little picky about not carrying your laptop, files, and lunch box in your tote bag, then getting a separate lunch bag is the best option for you. Lunch bags are available in multiple prints and come with a long strap so that you can also carry them as a sling bag! Look for options that will look super pretty and accompany your style every day!

4. A Lunchbox that Looks Good

As an adult who is a part of the corporate world, it is expected that you would always have premium quality products that compliment your overall look. Although it is a stereotype, it is always great to make sure that you choose the right shades and prints for your lunch box.

5. Free of Toxic Materials

Often, people get trapped in the concept of using plastic lunch boxes as they are cheap, lightweight, and come in different shapes and sizes. But along the road, people forget to check the most critical aspect of carrying the food: safety standards as per the quality of the product. So, make sure that you spend a little extra and get yourself a safe option!

6. Spill Free

There are things worst than losing your cool in the middle of a hectic deal. Imagine coming back to your desk, and right before you are about to have your lunch, you check your bag, and it is a pool of curry. A simple reason plays behind that, weak interlocking and lousy construction. Remember to double-check the lunch box for spill-free and leak-resistant quality the next time you go to the store!

7. Durability

Stainless Steel Lunch Boxes come for a clear win when the question is about some durability. If you use a plastic lunch box, you would always have to compromise on a piping hot dish, the plastic containers look pretty when you buy them, but the print and the color slowly fade with time. On the other hand, stainless steel lunch boxes never fade away and come with a shelf life of 10 years!

8. Easy to Clean

Most of the time, we focus too much on the visible issues and ignore those that will pop up once we reach home. A lunchbox should not be difficult to clean, and a stainless-steel lunchbox is easy maintenance!

Go in style and also impress your colleagues with your stylish tiffin boxes. To sum it up, look for a safe, sustainable, and insulated lunch box to get the best results for the long run!