The Importance of Insulated Food Storage

importance of food storage containers

Imagine this scenario: your spouse has spent all night cooking you an amazing chutney. They’ve even gone out of their way to warm it up in the morning so that it is nice and piping hot when you bite into it. Alas, your significant other has packed this marvelous lunch in a plastic lunch box. By the time you get to work and make it to lunch time, your wonderful chutney is now cold, and worst, there is no microwave or stove. You’re doomed to an afternoon lunch of cold chutney.

All of this could easily be avoided if you invested in insulated food storage containers, aka, a thermos lunch box or an insulated tiffin box. It’s specifically designed to keep your food warm and ready to serve out the box. But that’s just the beginning of insulated food storage containers and why they’re so amazing. Keep reading to know all of the pros here –

The Pros of Insulated Food Storage

It Keeps Your Food at the RIGHT Temperature

Insulated food storage containers cannot just keep your food hot, they can also keep your food wonderfully cold; really, they keep your food the exact temperature you want it to be. That’s how insulation works; it maintains the temperature of whatever it’s insulating. If you pack ice cream in your insulated food jar it will still be ice cream when you bring it out. No need to worry about actually having to drink ice cream soup.

They Are Durable

One of the features of an insulated container is that it is typically very durable. The best insulated food containers are made out of stainless steel and not plastic, which means they will be fine even after years. It’s one of the big things that makes an insulated container worth it.

Easy to Clean

This may not be a big one, but it is handy when food containers are easy to clean. Made of stainless steel, insulated food containers can be cleaned with a mild detergent and water.

Insulated Food Jars and Lunch Boxes Come in Many Sizes and Designs

Insulated food containers are also very versatile in how they’re designed. They have lots of different compartments, and are made to fit just about any meal. There is definitely the perfect container out there for your meal. Vaya Tyffyn comes in 3 different sizes with detachable partitions. So, when you are in a mood to carry more variety, just insert a partition and you are all set. Check out the vibrant colors and stunning patterns it is available in!