Different ways you can use your insulated stainless-steel jars

insulated stainless-steel jars

So, you’ve been doing a lot of research on lately and have caught on to the whole steel jar situation, and now you have a nice set of insulated stainless-steel jars. What do you do with them now that you have them? You might be thinking, “put food in them, duh”. While that is technically correct, that is only the beginning. Stainless steel food containers can be used in a myriad number of ways, you just need a little bit of imagination and precious things to store in them!

It’s entirely up to you to use them as kitchen storage containers for your masalas, spices and pulses in your kitchen or try your hand at using them as ready-to-serve jars, or even on-the-go meal carriers! Now a good insulated storage jar will work incredibly well for a lot of things, read on to know a few of them!

Ice Creams

A few years ago, plastic jars and containers were all the rage. Stainless steel food jars are now the upgraded version; they look modern, sleek, and cool. And you can be sure that they are safe to use! As an added bonus, just about any type of ice cream works in an insulated stainless-steel jar. Try serving mango sorbet or a mixed fruit delight, with an ice cream you can never go wrong!

Ready-to-eat Snacks

Stainless steel food jars are also a great way to make your kitchen, dining room, and house in general, look interesting and aesthetically pleasing. Try filling them with crisps, snack, nuts, dry fruits so they remain fresh and look great on your dining table too!


Obviously, stainless steel jars make great storage devices. They can store anything from food to your medicine. Insulated storage jars are great for medicine which need to be stored at stable temperatures.

One Pot Meals

Meals in stainless steel jars is a cool and proper thing. There are entire cookbooks filled with recipes of meals that are meant to be prepared and served in jars. You don’t have to go that far though, just about any meal that could be eaten in a bowl can be eaten in a stainless steel jar. When the jars are insulated, it makes them great natural lunchboxes. Great for left-overs and one-pot meals, these jars are comfortable meal carriers!

Choose sustainable stainless-steel jars that are air-tight, leak resistant and insulated so you can use them for your snacks, one-pot meals and even cold desserts!