Celebrating World Water Day

World Water Day is almost here; it is observed on March 22 every year. The day serves as a poignant reminder of the fact that there are still nearly 1.8 million people across the world who do not have access to safe drinking water and are forced to drink water contaminated with the fecal matter which puts them at risk of acquiring several deadly diseases.

A key component of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure every individual on the planet has access to clean water. But the question is: how can you do your bit towards making the world a better place? Well, begin by eliminating plastic bottles from your household which have a very negative impact on the environment.

  1. Say no to plastics: Plastics are laden with toxic chemicals and you would most certainly not like those coming in contact with the water you and your loved ones so passionately drink every few hours. Eliminate all plastic water bottles from your home and choose glass or stainless-steel water bottle instead. However, glass bottles, it must be remembered, are prone to breaking and are thus not the best choice if they’ll be handled by children. They are also less durable than steel bottles.
  1. Be aware and spread the word: Just so you can imagine the scale of the problem, we together dump nearly 40 million bottles of water every single day. It is best to avoid the use of plastics and use environment-friendly containers for water storage.
  1. Repeated use: Sustainable water bottles such as those made of stainless steel allow repeated use which makes them far superior to plastic bottles.
  1. Complex recycling for plastics: Plastics are difficult to recycle and not all of them can be recycled in fact. The recycling rate for plastics is thus very low. Most plastic bottles will land on landfills and marine environments where they stay for hundreds of years, and never go away!

The damaged caused towards environment is one of the prominent reasons for water crisis across the planet. Planting trees, restricted and supervised use of water, and eliminating plastics are all small steps most people can do to overcome the challenges faced with respect to the building block of life – Water!