5 Tips for a Cool At-Home Summer Party

No other season is better than throwing a laid-back cool at home party than summertime. The best place to arrange for a summer party is in the backyard or any outdoor space where you can have a relaxed barbeque time, take a dip in the pool, have an evening filled with card games and warm food stored in the hot box, casseroles, insulated containers. The light summer breeze sets a vibe to the party. But entertaining the guest involves a lot of work but there is a way to keep the party entertaining yet having less work in hand. Having a cool at-home summer party needs a lot of organization few months beforehand just to be on the safe side. Don’t get stressed, we have got you covered.

5 Tips for a Cool At-Home Summer Party

Now, it’s totally understandable how organizing a cool at-home summer party can be a daunting task. It can be quite overwhelming. But, if a few tips and tricks are followed while organizing the party then there is no doubt it will turn out to be the best summer party of the year.

1. Organize and Keep It Easy on Yourself

The first step for organizing any house party is to plan the whole thing from scratch. The best thing to do is to write down and make notes of everything. In that way, there is little chance of missing out on things. If more time is devoted to planning it, it allows you to be there at the party and enjoy it even. keeping it organized makes it less stressful and leads to a successful smooth party.

Along with organizing the party, one should not pressurize themselves into just arranging everything for the party. It would result in them getting tired by the time party gets started and they cannot be a part of the amazing party that they themselves worked for so much. Try to make most out of the things yet making it fabulous.

2. Set the Scene

After planning for the party the next step is to set the scene. First thing would be to consider the space in which the party will be hosted. Then gather things accordingly. There are few things that needs to be considered such as – is there enough chairs, tables where your guest can eat? Is the space clear of mosquitoes or any bugs? If the party is held during afternoon, then is there any shade for the guests to rest under? If the party is happening during evening is there enough outdoor lighting? If there are pets walking around, which part should be restricted?

These will help in setting up the outdoor furniture and invest accordingly.

3. Set the Food and the Table

After setting the scene, the next very important part of the party comes into light – the menu and the table.

Since it’s an outdoor party it is good to have casual menu. Before setting the menu keep in mind to ask the guests if they have any restrictions or allergy to any particular food.

It’s important to organize good amount of tables and decorate them. The menu can be based on a theme be it Indian Fusion, Italian, Mexican, Indian or cuisines that everyone would love to dig in.

The best way to have fabulous menu is to keep it simple and tasty. No need to go overboard with the menu. The party is not about the food but about spending quality time and having fun! If the guests want to bring some food, don’t stop them. A small contribution helps a lot.

The main dish can be cooked beforehand and stored in a hotbox, casserole or thermally insulated hot case so that they stay warm, fresh, aromatic, and filled with flavours.

4. Plan Entertainment

What’s a summer party without entertainment?

No guest would sit throughout the party and keep talking. Dont let them run out of topics and engage into their phones. Plan some fun games to play. Bring out the bluetooth speaker, have a dance party. Those who want to play a game, they can go for chess, badminton, ludo, monopoly, card games and a many others.

Ask your guests to share any kind of story ion a given time frame. Allow everyone to speak and it will turn out to be pretty fun and exciting. So many stories are slipped and people connect even more. Nothing can be better than that.

5. Clean-Up

Now comes the most daunting task – cleaning up after the party ends. The cardinal rule of party clean-up is to keep multiple trash-can readily available. It is much better for the guests to directly dispose the trash into the bins directly than having to clean the whole trash altogether after party. Not only it becomes clumsy but also very hectic.

For easy clean-up there are few things to try:-

  • Use throw-away tablecloths for all surfaces
  • For the leftovers to be taken back home, keep food containers ready for the guest. Hand over while they are leaving
  • Prepare the sink or dishwasher in advance. Don’t wait till the party is over.


Therefore, these are the top 5 tricks you need to keep in mind before organizing a summer party. Yes, there is no doubt that it is a lot of planning but hey, planning makes it better. Make sure to keep the valuables locked away in one room and keep it off-limits. Then even the host can enjoy  the party without worrying about the valuables, it is a big load off the mind. Dont forget to stock the refrigerator with ice because its summertime and everyone wants their beverage swerved chilled and with ice. To avoid the fridge from getting crowded keep an ice bucket handy to stock the ice there. Summer party is the perfect time to decorate the outdoor snd the garden. Add soothing lights and let the garden captivate the guest. Nothing can stop from making this summer party the best one.