10 Travel Essentials You Need To Make Every Trip Interesting

Were you that kid who used to wait for school holidays so that you could go to the beach island? Are you that person who works at a private company and checks the holidays and the weekends, and clubs them up for an extended holiday just to make a few days in the mountains possible? Do you envy travel bloggers who get to travel so much or are you a travel blogger? You might be at any point in your life but traveling is magic, to set foot on a different land that holds an exuberant history and culture is like a breath of fresh air.

What Should You Carry to Make Your Trip Interesting?

1. Water Bottle

Traveling on a bus and especially on rocky roads can result in nausea & motion sickness. Keeping a bottle of water handy is very important to keep you hydrated. It also saves you money as you do not have to stop every time you spot a corner shop. Choose an insulated water bottle or flask, one that would keep your water warm for a few hours straight, so you can take a few sips while you travel.

2. Sleeping Bag

If it is a camping trip and you have plans to walk around and hike. Then, to catch up on your sleep so that you are revitalized and rejuvenated in the morning for more adventure is very important. A sleeping bag is an insulated bag that hugs you when you sleep! It is lightweight, portable, provides cushioning against the uneven surface, and is water-resistant. Sleeping bags are a must-have if you are traveling to higher altitudes, it protects you and offers comfort.

3. Neck Pillow

Long hours on a bus, an airplane can be made easier if you carry a neck pillow. It will shoo away the immense pain of a stiff neck. They come in various colors and some also have an electric button using which the neck pillow becomes a vibrating massager. Imagine you are sitting on the window seat on the airplane and looking at the clouds, and your neck pillow is a massage pillow? Feels close to heaven? Absolutely.

4. Speakers

A speaker will make the trip fun, may it be on the road or during a bonfire night with all your friends, barbeque, and mountains around. A soothing sensation and a handful of memories for life.

5. Ready to Eat Munchies

Who won’t love to have chips, cookies, and coke on the road? Traveling in a caravan, along the countryside, under the stars, looking for the right spot to park and camp, what do you crave for? Treats. Small packs of ready to eat can be had at any point in time, if you are super hungry, need energy, super tired, or just plain bored. So make sure that you have a trip to the supermarket before you hit the road and store all the different kinds of chips, cakes, cookies, drinks, and salsa. You can also try and carry a few home made snacks or treats in insulated food storage jars for your road trips.

6. Barbeque Grill

A camping trip is incomplete without some steaks, grills, kebabs, and the favorite – marshmallows. If you are going on a with a lot of people, dividing the work can be a great way of setting things up together, but the only task which needs group effort and promises to be fun is when you cook. Take your BBQ grill when you are going to camp, get some fresh chicken, vegetables, marshmallows and make a good ol’ smoky sauce to go with them as dressing. Who wouldn’t love a spread of smoky, earthy flavors, cooked with love for dinner?

7. Smart Packing

A term often heard is “travel in style” but that does not boil down to packing Gucci and Prada in a Burberry bag. One needs to be careful and calculative when it comes to packing things for the trip. There is no need to pack 10 dresses, 8 footwear, and 6 sunglasses for a 2-day trip. Do not overpack. Do not create multiple visions when you MIGHT need that instead be a smart packer, keeping 1 extra set of clothing is enough. Help yourself by helping your bag. Remember, it is you who would have to carry the bag at the very end.

8. Power Backup and Camera

A set of chargers, for your phone, speakers, headphones is essential. But at the same time, getting a battery-operated torch is also a smart investment. Every bit of the trip is an adventure, starting from a tyre puncture to a great BBQ meal but no one wants to be stuck in the middle of a forest full of wild animals at 10 in the night without any light! So stop thinking, and go get a torch!

Make sure that you carry a camera, and freeze all the memories. You could also a carry a Bluetooth tracker, one that is smart and work as a key tracker, phone finder or even a selfie remote.

9. First Aid Kit

No trip is complete without that one friend who is clumsy and trips and falls over a stone. A box full of medicines – painkillers, ointments, bandage, mosquito repellant are a must if you are going out. Bruises, insect bites, or just a bad headache. Do not let any of these issues stop you or ruin the mood by bringing down the energy.

10. Books

Carrying a book is a great idea if you are taking the train and are going to have some good time to read. Especially if you are traveling alone, invest in activities for which you don’t get enough time and for the ones you need to be alone. What is better than sitting in a cafe with some freshly brewed coffee, a loaf of cake, and a good read? Grab a book that you have been wanting to read for a long long time. Make the small trip worth it.


What might be essential to one, might not be essential to the other one but the wise thing to do when you are going in a group is to sit and decide who is going to be in charge of what. The requirements do go a great range- camping chairs, tents, sun guards, extra tires, mittens, and much more. Make sure that you pack your essentials so that you get them as and when you need them. Bon Voyage.