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10 Smoothies You Can Have for Breakfast

A healthy breakfast in the morning sets the mood for the whole day. Having a drink for breakfast might not seem ideal. But a smoothie can be as filling as a breakfast of toast and eggs. Smoothies are fresh and contain lots of vegetables or fruits. Many diets do not include too many of these and so most people miss out on essential nutrients. You can make up for these deficiencies by drinking smoothies.

The best thing about a smoothie is that it can include as many or as few ingredients as you want. They will taste delicious no matter what you add. Smoothies are also breakfasts that can be had while commuting. Grab your smart flask or stainless steel water bottle and fill it up. You can drink your smoothie at work, school, or even on your morning walk. So, if you are looking for some inspiration to create a fantastic smoothie, keep reading!

Top 10 Smoothies to Have for Breakfast

Mornings are often very rushed and there is hardly enough time to have a full breakfast. But this problem can be easily solved if you start drinking smoothies. Given below are some great smoothies that you can try at home. They are all easy to make and taste amazing!

1. Spinach and Fruit Smoothie

A green smoothie is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants and with some fruits in it, you will not need to add any artificial sweeteners. The easiest way to make a green smoothie is to throw in some spinach and add chunks of mango and banana into a blender. You can use almond milk for the base of the smoothie. Pour the smoothie into a tumbler and enjoy it for breakfast.

2. Pumpkin Smoothie with Apple and Yogurt

This smoothie is a perfect one for autumn. When pumpkins are in season, use them to create a rich breakfast smoothie. Add in some pieces of apple and blend with yogurt and milk of your choice. You can store this smoothie in a stainless steel water bottle and drink it when you are at work.

3. Orange Smoothie

During winters, when fresh oranges are abundant, use them to make a smoothie. Add orange juice and fresh orange pulp to the smoothie. Fill a tall flask with this delicious smoothie and enjoy a drink that is full of vitamins, calcium, fiber, potassium, and beta carotene.

4. Papaya and Fig Smoothie

Fruit smoothies make lovely breakfasts for summer. This one is a delicious smoothie that will provide a great start to your morning. Use fresh papaya and locally sourced figs with any milk of your choice. You can also add some crushed almonds, chia seeds, and ice cubes. The fruits are loaded with fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. The smoothie is going to be anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants, and very low in calories. If you drink this smoothie often, you will be able to avoid problems like constipation, heart disease, and diabetes.

5. Coffee Smoothie

Most mornings are incomplete without a cup of coffee. But you can include coffee in a smoothie to create a wholesome breakfast. All you need for this smoothie is milk, almond butter, some vanilla extract, a ripe banana, and some coffee. You can add powdered coffee as well as brewed coffee, and carry this in an insulated water bottle or flask. This smoothie is healthy and an instant energy boost.

6. Spiced Apple Smoothie

If you like apple pie then this smoothie is for you! Add some spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and some allspice for some extra flavor. To make the smoothie more filling you can add more fruits and even oatmeal to the milk of your choice. Apple provides a lot of fiber and helps with stomach problems like diarrhea and constipation. You can carry this smoothie in a smart water bottle and drink it when you are on the way to the office.

7. Banana Smoothie with Peanut Butter

This banana smoothie is the easiest breakfast you can make. Do not throw overripe bananas and instead add them to your blender. Use any unsweetened milk of your choice. Add a few tablespoons of peanut butter to make it sweet. Bananas will control your blood pressure and help avoid heart diseases. This smoothie is going to be an excellent source of potassium. It will be filling and make a healthy meal if you carry to office in a thermos flask or water bottle.

8. Pineapple and Beetroot Smoothie

When you are looking for a smoothie that is low in calories and has the perfect balance of vegetables and fruits, then you have to try this pineapple and beetroot drink. Slowly blend beetroot, pineapple chunks, and some unsweetened milk. You can add some berries, yogurt, chia seeds, and honey. This smoothie is antioxidants, vitamin C, and potassium.

9. Carrot Smoothie

Carrots are a great source of calcium, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, and beta carotene. To make a carrot smoothie you can add some ginger, turmeric, and lemon. This makes the smoothie anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants. The base of this smoothie can be made with almond milk and some bananas. Pour this smoothie in a stainless steel water bottle and drink it on your way to the office or even carry it to the gym.

10. Oatmeal Smoothie with Chocolate

This smoothie is dessert in a bottle! Some mornings you need a little something fancy for breakfast. You can combine chocolate powder or chocolate malt powder with cocoa powder and half a cup of oatmeal. Then blend this mixture with some almond milk. You can carry this smoothie in your smart water bottle to school or work and enjoy a delicious breakfast on the go.

Final Words

If you are looking for a breakfast that is healthy, easy to make, and flavourful, then a smoothie is the best choice. On busy mornings when you do not have time for breakfast, a premade smoothie will come to your rescue. Pour it in a flask and carry it with you to drink on the road. A smoothie is low in calories and will be great if you are trying to lose some weight. Choose your favorite smoothie from the list above or throw together your favorite fruits, vegetables, and nuts to make a delicious and decadent breakfast drink.